Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tips to Follow While Trading Penny Stocks

So, you have decided to invest your money into penny stocks. Nothing wrong with that, provided you take a research based approach! After all, majority of these stocks prove to be nothing but duds. They are penny stocks for a reason. These stocks belong to companies which are found lacking in many fundamental areas of the business which can justify investments in such stocks. A lot of times, it becomes very hard to research these stocks. However, it is the lure of high returns that pulls many people towards it. So, not that you have made up your mind, then here are some tips on how to trade these penny stocks:

  • Have a pessimistic mindset: Now this is an advice that might take you by surprise, but having such an approach will save you from setting unrealistic expectations. Expecting to lose will also help you budget accordingly, and sticking with that budget. It is important that you do not deviate from budget to minimize your loses in the short or long term. 
  • Do your homework: This is an advice that should always be kept in mind while making any sort of investment. However, researching on penny stocks is not that easy a task, for they belong to companies which lack capital to establish decent public relations or create well-functioning websites. But you can always take help from fellow investors or traders who have been in this business for long. 
  •  Stick with the fundamentals: Penny stocks almost always prove to be notorious failures within the trading industry. The reason is poor fundamentals of the stock. But you must stick with some of the basic principles. Ensure that its price-earnings ratio is as low as the company’s accumulated debt. 
  •  Invest in an industry you know about: This tip is as important as any other. Investing in industries you have some idea about would help, as you will be much better informed. The more you are interested in the industry, the more you will read about it, and the more informed decision your investment decisions will be. 
  •  Do not rush: Be patient. You will find a plenty of penny stocks, so there is no need to hurry. 
  •  Get out of the stock as soon as possible: The moment your stock begins to tank, get out of it. Trading penny stocks is a risky affair as these stocks can completely disappear in a very short period of time. So, do not stick with these stocks for long.

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